Are you out of job? Or looking for a career switch?
Well, do not despair as the economic downturn is spread worldwide. It is important to keep ourselves in high spirit at this gloomy period.
If you have lost your job recently, do not be disheartened. You should constantly upgrade yourself so as to find a better career in your next employment. Being a recruitment personnel myself, I see a growing trend of hiring of more contract/temp staff. I would encourage all to be open to opportunities. Even if it is just a temporary assignment, take it up! You never know what will lies ahead for you in the company. If performance is good and they are have additional headcount, you will have a higher chance of conversion.
What is important to gain a foothold in a company? You have to impress during the interview. Here are some books which can be helpful in your comin interviews.
1. Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions by Martin John Yate
2. How Would You Move Mount Fuji? Microsoft's Cult of the Puzzle - How the World's Smartest Company Selects the Most Creative by William Poundstone
The books are available for rental at a rate of $6. Email me at prettyfly07@hotmail.com to enquire for more.
Everyone, let's just stay motivated!!!